Is selling on TpT worth it?

Is Selling On TpT Worth It [Actually]

How to rank better on TpT

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Remember the days when lesson planning meant rummaging through stacks of textbooks, folders, and binders? When sharing a resource meant physically handing over a photocopied sheet? Ah, how times have changed! The digital age has ushered in a vibrant era for educators like us, offering platforms where we can effortlessly share and discover resources with peers from all over the globe. Websites like are more than just digital marketplaces; they’re lively communities, bustling with creativity and collaboration. 


Understanding the Popularity of TpT

If you’ve ever wondered what the buzz around TpT is all about, you’re not alone. The platform’s meteoric rise in the educational community speaks volumes, but let’s delve a bit into the numbers to truly grasp its impact.


By the Numbers: TpT’s Remarkable Growth

Users Galore: 

Since its inception, TpT has seen a remarkable surge in its user base. With millions of registered users (both buyers and sellers), it has cemented its position as one of the top platforms for educators.


Products in Abundance: 

Once you’re inside the TpT ecosystem, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources. From lesson plans and worksheets to interactive activities and entire curriculums, the platform boasts millions of products. This vast array caters to virtually every subject, grade level, and teaching style imaginable.


But numbers, while telling a part of the story, don’t capture the entire essence. TpT isn’t just about sheer volume; it’s about the quality of resources and the community of passionate educators behind them. It’s this blend of quantity and quality, underpinned by a collaborative spirit, that truly encapsulates TpT’s widespread appeal.

Advantages of Selling on TpT

Oh, how we educators love a good opportunity to share, learn, and yes, earn a little on the side too! And, TpT has been a game-changer for many of us in the teaching community. Let’s chat about why hopping on the TpT bandwagon might just be the best decision you make this school year.

Passive Income Stream: 

Remember that snazzy lesson plan or that clever activity you whipped up last summer? On TpT, your hard work doesn’t just benefit your students. Once you’ve uploaded a resource, it can become a gift that keeps on giving. Each sale puts a bit more in your pocket, without you lifting another finger. Think of it as your coffee fund…or maybe even a summer vacation fund!



Ever feel like you’re making TpT products on a secluded island? In TpT, that island turns into a buzzing marketplace. It’s like walking into the world’s biggest staff room, brimming with educators eager to swap stories, share ideas, and offer a helping hand. Your next classroom inspiration could just be a click away!



The beauty of TpT is in its convenience. Night owl or early bird, in your PJs or dressed to impress, from your living room or a beach halfway across the world – you choose when and where you sell. Your store, your rules.


Feedback and Improvement: 

We’ve all been there – spending hours on a resource only to discover a tiny oversight or thinking of ways it could be better. On TpT, fellow educators aren’t shy about sharing feedback. While it might sting a tiny bit initially, this constructive criticism often paves the way for better, more refined resources. After all, we’re all in this for the betterment of our students, right?


Professional Development: 

Beyond the earnings and networking, there’s a silver lining that’s often overlooked. Crafting resources for TpT can be a fantastic professional growth exercise. It challenges you to be innovative, think from a broader perspective, and refine your curriculum design skills. It’s like attending a PD session every time you create!


In the heart of it all, TpT isn’t just a platform; it’s an ongoing, evolving journey of growth, both personally and professionally. For educators, by educators – it’s a community where sharing truly is caring.

Challenges of Selling on TpT

Alright, my fellow educators, let’s have some real talk. As wonderful and promising as TpT might sound, it isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Like with anything worthwhile, there are hurdles to jump and lessons to be learned. Let’s break down some of the challenges you might face as a budding seller on TpT.


Market Saturation: 

Picture this – you’ve just created this fantastic resource, only to discover there are dozens (or hundreds!) similar to it on TpT. With the platform bustling with so many talented educators sharing their gems, making your mark can feel like trying to be heard in a bustling school cafeteria. It takes a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of uniqueness to truly stand out.


Time Investment: 

Ah, the age-old adage – time is precious. And boy, does creating a quality resource demand a chunk of it! From ideation and design to editing and uploading, the process can be time-consuming. Remember those late-night grading sessions? It might feel a bit like that.


Platform Fees: 

No one likes the fine print, right? While TpT offers a splendid platform to showcase our work, they do take a commission for every sale. It’s crucial to crunch those numbers and be aware of the cut they take, so you aren’t left scratching your head when payday rolls around.


Marketing Needs: 

Now, here’s a curveball for most of us. Just uploading a resource doesn’t guarantee sales. Think of TpT as a massive school fair. Having the most delightful booth (or store, in this case) isn’t enough. You need to wave, call out, and maybe even perform a little jig (virtually, of course) to attract attention. In simpler terms, promoting your store and resources is a must.


Navigating the TpT world can feel a tad overwhelming, almost like stepping into a classroom for the first time. But remember, every challenge is a learning opportunity. With a bit of patience, heaps of perseverance, and a supportive community (that’s all of us!), the journey, though filled with twists and turns, is worth every moment. After all, every seasoned teacher knows – there’s no growth without a few challenges thrown in the mix!

Factors to Consider Before Selling on TpT

So, you’re thinking about giving TpT a shot? That’s a solid move, especially in this digital age. But before you start uploading resources left and right, there are a few things worth considering. Let’s break them down:


Originality of Resources: 

First up, the content you’re bringing to the table. It’s essential to ask, “What sets my material apart from the rest?” Your resources should be a blend of quality and uniqueness. If it’s something you’d confidently hand over to a fellow teacher, you’re on the right track.


Commitment Level: 

Think of TpT as a side project or even a small business. You’ll need to invest time not just in creating, but also in updating and marketing. It’s not just a one-and-done deal. Are you ready for that commitment?


Marketing Strategy: 

While teaching might be your primary expertise, a basic understanding of marketing can go a long way on TpT. This is where tools like TeachersBoost come into play. They can simplify SEO keyword research for you, ensuring your resources don’t just vanish in the vastness of TpT.


Audience Targeting: 

Knowing your audience is crucial. If you’re designing resources for a specific grade or subject, you’ll want to ensure they reach the right eyes. Figuring out your niche can save you a lot of time and increase your chances of making a sale.


Jumping into TpT is a bit like starting a new semester. You’re not entirely sure what’s ahead, but with some prep and a clear game plan, you’ll find your rhythm. And remember, every new venture has its learning curve. Just take it one step at a time.

Tips for Success on TpT

Venturing into the world of TpT can be both an exciting and daunting experience. Much like that feeling you get at the start of a new school year, you want to ensure you’re equipped and ready to make the most of it. From my time around the TpT block, here are a few hard-earned insights I’d like to share:

Quality Over Quantity: 

It’s tempting to want to flood your store with numerous resources right off the bat. However, I’ve found that a handful of well-thought-out, top-notch resources can be far more beneficial in the long run. It’s a bit like planning lessons – you’d rather have a few impactful ones than numerous forgettable ones.


Engage with the Community: 

The TpT community is vast and filled with educators from all walks of life. Dive into TpT forums, participate in meaningful discussions, and don’t be shy about seeking feedback. Much like in our profession, collaboration can be a game-changer.


Continuous Learning: 

Education, as we all know, is an ever-evolving field. What’s relevant and effective today might not be tomorrow. It’s crucial to stay updated with the latest educational trends and adapt your resources accordingly. Remember those professional development days? Think of this as an ongoing version of that.


Use SEO Tools: 

Now, I get it – SEO might sound like tech jargon, and it can be intimidating. But trust me, having a basic understanding and leveraging tools like Teachers Boost can make a significant difference. It helps ensure your resources don’t get lost in the crowd and reach those who genuinely need them.


TpT is more than just a platform; it’s a journey. And like any journey in the realm of education, it’s filled with opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow. Take each day as it comes, be patient with yourself, and remember, every resource you create has the potential to impact classrooms around the world.


As we come to the close of this deep dive into Teachers Pay Teachers, it feels a bit like rounding off a semester, doesn’t it? Just like in teaching, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. Whether TpT is the right avenue for you really boils down to individual circumstances, goals, and dedication.


Each of us has unique experiences, time commitments, and resources at our disposal. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and truly assess what you can and want to invest in this venture. Remember, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about ongoing engagement, adaptation, and learning.


That said, there’s no denying the immense potential TpT holds. It’s not just about the supplementary income, though that’s undoubtedly a perk. It’s about the reach, the impact, and the shared knowledge that spans across classrooms globally. And when you arm yourself with effective tools and strategies – like a good grasp on SEO, feedback loops, and platforms like TeachersBoost – the sky’s the limit.


To every educator out there contemplating this journey, remember what we tell our students: Be curious, be persistent, and never stop learning. The world of TpT is vast, and there’s room for all of us to succeed.


Lastly Give our suite of TpT seller tools a try, share your stories, and let’s continue this dialogue. After all, collaboration has always been at the heart of great teaching.